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Dear authors, a set of articles is announced for a new issue.

To publish an article in the scientific journal New Technologies in Construction № 45, 2024, it is necessary to fill out an electronic certificate about the author (including) October by 28, 2024 (inclusive) and send to the editor-in-chief This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by e-mail the article, issued on the following requirements. 

Please name the files by author's last name. 

Requirements for a scientific article

The scientific article should correspond to the thematic direction of the publication. The article can be submitted in Ukrainian or English. The volume of the article should be a minimum of 12 full pages, a maximum of 20 pages.

The article should contain: UDC index, annotations and keywords, information about authors (scientific degree and position of each author, place of work, city), list of references and references.

Article structure:

-        formulation of the problem;

-        analysis of recent achievements;

-        the goal of the work;

-        research results;

-        conclusions.

References to the sources should be made in square brackets, indicating the page numbers according to the source. For example: [3, p. 234] or [2, p. 35; 8, p. 234].

The list of sources used is submitted at the end of the article in the order of references and should be drawn up in accordance with existing standards for bibliographic description (see: developed in 2015 National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 "Information and documentation. Bibliographic references. General provisions and rules of drafting".

Name and surname transliteration for the References list in the Ukrainian language is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Organizing the Transliteration of the Ukrainian Latin Alphabet” from January 27, 2010 # 55. 

Technical requirements

Articles are accepted in Microsoft Word format (doc extension). Fields: left - 30 mm, right - 15 mm, upper - 20 mm, lower - 20 mm;

Font - Times New Roman 14. Interval - 1.5. Bold and italics are allowed. Tables are typed in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Formulas are typed in Microsoft Equation. Pictures and photos (black and white or color) are additionally submitted as separate files with a resolution of 300 dpi of common graphic formats (JPG, BMP, TIFF).

An incorrectly framed article that does not meet these requirements will not be considered. The author is responsible for the content of this article.


Publication is free of charge if the articles of the journal profile and their scientific value are relevant.

The journal’s electronic version becomes publicly available on the website duly.

If desired, an author can order a printed copy of the journal. The cost of a printed copy is UAH 800. 

Prohibition to refer to the aggressor state’s scholarly papers

It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.

Academic integrity

The Editorial Board guarantees high-quality anonymous peer-review of articles and their check for plagiarism using the software developed by the Polish company